Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Inauguration of EXA's Krysaor Satellite Signal & Video (Plus a Surprise) - Guayaquil, Ecuador

        Academia Cotopaxi students who had participated in one, or both, of the pilot programs in conjunction with the Ecuadorian Civilian Space Agency (EXA) were invited to the inauguration of its second satellite's (Krysaor) signal and live, onboard video. As surprise for the nation, as well as part of the Ecuadorian president's Saturday talks, EXA also revealed the recovery of its first satellite's (Pegasus) signal; which had been lost due to having been sideswiped by space debris just a month after launch.
        Twenty-six parents and students - who enthusiastically arranged flights to Guayaquil, Ecuador with short notice - were not only able to witness this historical event in person, but also had access to the engineers and creative minds behind these innovative accomplishments. Undoubtedly, the importance of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) was impressed upon these 21st century learners.
 Speaking as EXA's Education Consultant, nothing but excitement continues on the horizon...stay tuned!