Friday, November 22, 2013

On November 21, 2013 (at 2:10 AM), Ecuador successfully launched its second satellite from Russia: Krysaor (NEE-02). It was a historic event filled with much excitement and, as the education consultant for the Ecuadorian Civilian Space Agency (EXA), great expectations for our 21st century students in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Go Ecuador!

To view a video of the event, go to:

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Musings of a Veteran Teacher - Margot Solberg

            Here I sit at my teacher’s desk at 6:30 in the morning. Why so early, you ask? Because it’s a gift that renews me…fills my soul. Allow me to clarify. I sit here – after a little yoga and a hot bath at home (yes, I skipped the gym this morning) - with a cup of coffee, Windham Hill playing in the background, in my pajamas (I think I have the only job in the world where one can use Pajama Day as an excuse not to get dressed), looking at the outside drizzle and expectant with what the day will bring. Today I know that I will play, teach, learn, laugh, be silly…all the while knowing that I’ve made an impact on the world – today and, hopefully, long after my time on this planet. Having a job where one can create, while surrounded by bright-eyed, eager children, is a gift like no other.

            Yes, I spend many long hours working on what I love (creating authentic learning…usually through space connections), and what I don’t (the bureaucratic underpinnings that comes along with any occupation).This often means extensive hours and a struggle in balance, but it’s a choice; and one I gladly take on, because the outcomes are tenfold.  Yes, there are always challenges along the way – some of them very hard lessons – but coming out on the other side makes the journey all the richer. Lest I sound utopian, it isn’t all peaches and cream. But what life-changing journeys aren’t?

            I’ve been teaching for 19 years now, in both public and private schools, so I have a reference point from which to expound upon. I also have three munchkins of my own who keep me grounded, or at least they try.  Nonetheless as Gene Krantz, the Lead Flight Director of Apollo 13 once shared with a group of likeminded educators and myself, I want to leave this life “well spent”.  Teaching is a great gift; wrinkles and hardships included…let the day begin.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Innovative Classroom Workshop - Universidad San Francisco de Quito

La clase innovadora
El objetivo de La clase innovadora es compartir
estrategias e instrucción que les dará a los
participantes inspiración para enseñar
utilizando formas nuevas y creativas. La sesión
e dividirá en dos partes: manejo de la clase
creativa, y cómo incorporar la ciencia
aeroespacial en el aula a fin de incrementar
interés de los estudiantes en ciencia, tecnología,
ingeniería y matemáticas (STEM).
Este último punto tiene relevancia especial dado
que Ecuador presentará en breve su segundo
satélite con fines educativos. Incluso tendrás
la oportunidad de participar en un proyecto de
desarrollo profesional de corto plazo de la
NASA y la Agencia Espacial Ecuatoriana Civil
(EXA). ¡Ven para inspirarte! Será una
experiencia altamente motivadora para        
educadores con cualquier nivel de experiencia.

Jueves 17 de octubre 2013
15h30 a 18h00
(Confirmación de registro con

inscripción previa
frente al Teatro de 14h30 a 15h30)
Teatro Casa Blanca, Universidad
San Francisco de Quito
Margot Solberg